《最终决战(THE FINALS)》中比较难做的成就是非常多的,弹跳炸弹就是其中一个,而这个成就的要求就是使用跳板弹射手榴弹来淘汰一名对手,成就难度很大,想要做可以玩中等,带跳板和破片手雷。

《THE FINALS》弹跳炸弹成就怎么做  第1张


弹跳炸弹 Bombouncer



Play with a medium build, equipped with a springboard and fragmentation grenades (other types of grenades don't seem to work). It's best if the cash pickup point is inside a room. Hide on one side, then place a springboard in front of you. When the battle starts, throw grenades like crazy towards the springboard in front of you; the grenades will fly forwards and upwards. Try this a few times and you'll get it.

相关攻略:《THE FINALS》纵火狂徒成就怎么做